Learn to Dance

dancing couple

Westport Squares Welcomes you!

Learn to Dance

We are happy that you are interested in this fun activity that we have a passion for, and we hope eventually you will too. We know that you may have some questions, please do not hesitate to ask us. Please review some basic info below:


  • The first two lessons (Sept 8th and 15th) are free!
  • Starting on Sept 22nd the cost is $6 per person, per lesson session. ($3 if under 18).
  • Payment for all lessons will be required by the 3rd dance lesson, September 22, 2024. The cost is $90 for adults ($45 if under 18).
  • The primary location is the Middleton Ionic Masonic Lodge, 7409 Franklin Ave, Middleton, WI
  • Sundays from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Starting on September 10th.
What to expect:
  • Modern Western Square Dance lessons in a friendly safe environment provided by A certified Square Dance caller. Tom Nickel will be your main instructor leading the group in learning the steps and culture at a gentle pace. Upon completion you will be a “Mainstream” level graduate, and be invited to join our club!
What is Mainstream?:
  • “Mainstream” is a classification or level of Square Dance consisting of about 69 calls. It is a widely used benchmark of skill for clubs.
Lesson Progression:
  • It may seem like a lot of moves or “calls” to learn in the first sessions, but as the lessons progress we spend more time reviewing and practicing the learned calls. Then introduce a couple new calls that build on what has been learned. The pace is set by the group as it progresses.
What if I don’t have a partner?
  • A partner is not required! You may dance with an Angel or other students.
Who are Angels?
  • Angels are what we call club members that will dance with the lesson groups to fill in squares to gently assist with lessons as needed.
What if I miss a lesson?:
  • Lessons are cumulative and the learned material is refreshed each week from the previous weeks' lessons. We will happily work with you to get caught up from a missed lesson.
What to bring:
  • Comfortable shoes, casual clothing, and a positive attitude! You are welcome to bring your own personal water and snacks.

Any questions? Call Eldon and Virginia at 608-535-9461

At Westport Squares You Come as a Guest and Leave as a Friend